Balancing academics with the demands of competitive sports requires a unique set of skills for athletes, who follow the #DualCareer model. As they navigate between school commitments and athletic training, they encounter numerous stressors that can significantly...
The EAS 2024 Annual Conference was organized in Katowice, Poland, October 1-3. The event was hosted by Academy of Physical Education in Katowice (AWF Katowice). The main theme of the conference was “#DualCarrer at school and university – innovative bridges...
Our DCT from 9 organizations participating in the AFTERMATCH 2.0 Reload project continued their training on #DualCareer of athletes from September 8-10. The workshops focused on the needs of athletes and sports organizations. Participants also had the opportunity to...
Finding balance between sport and education requires a team approach. With the right help and communication from all parties involved, athletes can benefit from playing a sport, while still enjoying a quality academic experience. The most important skills that support...
We have just completed intense but highly productive days in Turawa, Poland. On June 9-11 the first meeting for Dual Career Trainers (DCT) took place. Representatives from all partner organizations of the AFTERMATCH 2.0 Reload project participated in the workshops....