The first meeting of the International Experts Team (IET) in Cartagena

On Thursday, March 14th, the first meeting of the International Experts Team (IET) of the AFTERMATCH 2.0 Reload project took place in Cartagena, Spain. The event was hosted by UCAM Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia.

Our #DualCareer experts for athletes have developed a comprehensive implementation plan for sports organizations and athletes. The workshops also served to analyze the needs of sports organizations and athletes.

At the first IET meeting participated experts from:

– Towarzystwo Sportowe Iron Man, Poland
– Sport Evolution Alliance, Portugal
– UCAM Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia, Spain

In the coming months, the IET will prepare a program, which in June at the workshops in Opole, Poland, will be presented to Dual Career Trainers (DCT) from across Europe.