AFTERMATCH 2.0 Reload Mid-Term Evaluation Meeting in Baku, Azerbaijan

The AFTERMATCH 2.0 Reload project has reached its midpoint. From December 9-12, 2024, all project partners gathered in Baku for a significant evaluation meeting.

On the first day, participants had the opportunity to visit sports facilities in Baku. The second day was dedicated to an in-depth discussion about the next phases of the project, presentations of completed tasks and materials, and planning the upcoming steps for the project.

Planned next steps for the project:

  • In 2025, International Seminars for Dual Career Officers (DCO) will be held in 8 countries.
  • Each seminar will include a minimum of 10 representatives from sports organizations in the host country and 10 representatives from international sports organizations.
  • The seminars will be conducted by trained Dual Career Trainers (DCT), who gained the necessary knowledge during workshops held in Opole, Poland and Venice, Italy. Additionally, the International Experts Team (IET) has prepared a special Dual Career Manual to ensure the seminars for DCO are as effective as possible.
  • The first International Seminar for DCO will take place in Kraków on March 28-30, 2025.
  • The schedule for all International Seminars for DCO should be finalized by the end of 2024.

The organization of International Seminars for DCOs in 8 countries will effectively promote knowledge about the #DualCareer model for athletes.

The project is co-funded by the European Union.